The Movie Master
"The Movie Master" is an enjoyable, fast-paced drama that takes place on the West Coast. I think the greatest aspect of this film is the storyline. It is a story about a man who falls in love with another woman (I love how the guy and the woman's names are both used; I like the fact that the movie doesn't take away the woman's name, either). He meets his own destiny and dies, but what comes after that is up to you. I don't know how well-received the film will be, but I was definitely interested in it. In general, I am not a big horror movie fan, but I did enjoy "The Movie Master" as a horror film. The plot of the film involves the murder of a woman, but it doesn't follow through to a scary end. It is not like "Scream", where the last act is terrifying, but in this case, it just doesn't happen. Instead, the suspense is very subtle and the end is a surprise. Overall, I thought the whole movie was a success. I would definitely recommend "The Movie Master" to anyone looking for a good horror film with a good plot and a good ending. I don't want to give away the ending in this review, but it is worth it! Check it out when you see it! I hope you enjoy it!